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A conversation with the mysterious artist Daïchi Mori, whose works on paper and animations based on traditional Japanese art have recently entered the NFT space.
As the NFT market has begun to attract serious collectors, a specific question has risen to the surface: how to display the NFTs you own? This article explores some solutions for preserving and enjoying a collection of digital art.
The controversy sparked by climate activists who threw soup on a Van Gogh painting brings up the question: what is the role of art in a climate emergency? Artists featured in Niio offer their views on addressing climate change through digital art.
Interview with Matteo Zamagni in connection to the artcast Experiences of Synchrony which features artworks played out as hypnotic journeys of sound and visuals.
Photographer Christopher Makos revisits his career and friendship with Andy Warhol, which took him to be an exceptional chronicler of the New York scene in the 1970s and 1980s.
Steve Schapiro (1934-2022) was one of the most prominent figures of documentary photography in the United States. We celebrate his work in this article by guest author Nicholas Fahey and in our latest artcast.