- By Roxanne Vardi & Pau Waelder
We asked ten outstading artists about their views on gender equality and visibility of women artists in the digital art world.
- By Pau Waelder
A 3-question interview with artist Diane Drubay about her latest series of works, Fabula - Micro Stories From Tomorrow's World, recently launched as NFTs on the Tezos blockchain.
- By Roxanne Vardi
We had a conversation with artist Costas Picadas about his latest artworks series "Microbiomes" in which he takes inspiration from the planet's ecosystems and interconnected energies.
- By Pau Waelder
Claudia Hart discusses the latest iteration of A Child's Machiavelli, a long-running artistic project that offers a satirical view on contemporary politics
- By Domenico Barra and Pau Waelder
First part of an ongoing conversation with Domenico Barra about his work in progress DISØRDINARY BƏAUTY on Niio.
- By Pau Waelder
A programming engineer in human computer relations and artificial intelligence, Antoine Schmitt's career spans almost three decades and is characterized by a combination of interactive installations, process-based abstract pieces, and performances.