Interview with Rolin Dai, one of the winners of the SMTH x Niio Open Call for Art Students, in which she elaborates on the main concepts behind her work.
Interview with Katsuki Nogami, an artist whose work focuses on how our facial features determine our identity in relation to those around us, and how technology mediates our interactions with each other
Anthroposcenes: narratives about life in the Anthropocene is a series of screenings on the façade of Centre d'Art Lo Pati (Amposta, ES) that features the work of Diane Drubay, Claudia Larcher, Kelly Richardson, Theresa Schubert, Yuge Zhou, and Marina Zurkow.
Interview with Ronen Tanchum, and artist whose body of work explores the representation of natural phenomena and our perception of reality as it is mediated by the entertainment industry and digital media.
Interview with performance and multimedia artist Chun Hua Catherine Dong, whose work transitions the boundaries of the human body, physical presence, memory, and technology.