What We’re Reading Now: Art (x) Design (x) Technology

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At Niio, we are passionate about the intersection of Art, Design & Technology. From code-based and algorithmic artworks, to AR & VR installations, to blockchain for authentication, crypto art as well as the .ART domain, talk of digital art was everywhere in ’17.  Check out some of the great stories that we’re reading now and look out for lots more throughout the year.

Marilyn Minter’s Largest Public Artwork Is All About Me 

“Well, all artists have a narcissism problem,” says Marilyn Minter gleefully as she walks the 280-foot length of her newest work. A collaboration with the Art Production Fund, the project is a video, produced in partnership with Westfield World Trade Center and displayed, unignorably (as any narcissist would appreciate), every eight minutes on the 19 screens of varying sizes that dot the inside of Santiago Calatrava’s Oculus and its surrounding buildings.”  Read more.

Photo via Art Production Fund


The Future May Be Virtual, But Who Is Running the Show? 

Virtual reality (VR) art is no longer the preserve of geeky coders. Artists such as Paul McCarthy, Marina Abramovic and Jeff Koons are beginning to create work using the technology, and start-up technology firms are springing up in the race to distribute and sell them. But as collectors begin to circle and prices rise, several legal and ethical questions are being raised, including who owns the art, how do you protect your work, and who has the right to place art in virtual public places?  Read more

Mat Collishaw: Thresholds at Somerset House Photo: Graham Carlow


Will Cryptocurrencies Be the Art Market’s Next Big Thing? 

“On Dec. 16, the nascent market for what might be called cryptoart appeared to reach a new level when the hitherto-unknown Distributed Gallery announced the auction of “Ready Made Token,” a unique unit of a cryptocurrency that the gallery said was created by Richard Prince using technology from Ethereum, the network responsible for Ether. The online gallery describes itself as the first to specialize in blockchain-based artwork and exhibition.”  Read more.

Richard Prince’s “Ripple” paintings share a name with a high-rising cryptocurrency. Credit David Regen/Gladstone Gallery


ARTSY  // 
When Steve Jobs Gave Andy Warhol a Computer Lesson

It was October 9th, 1984, and Steve Jobs was going to a nine-year-old’s birthday party.  He’d been invited just a few hours earlier by journalist David Scheff, who was wrapping up a profile of the Apple Computer wunderkind for Playboy. Jobs was far from the highest-profile guest, however. Walter Cronkite, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Louise Nevelson, John Cage, and singer-songwriter Harry Nilsson were also in attendance. And Yoko Ono, of course—it was her son’s birthday, after all.  Read more.

A 1984 Macintosh. Photo via Dave Winer on Flickr.


Is It Big Brother? Is It Art? What If It’s Both? 

The watchers watch us, we watch ourselves, and maybe someone is preparing to feed it all back to us as art.

The creator of Colorimeter is Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, a Mexican-born artist who lives in Montreal.


Rhizome Gets $1M. From Mellon Foundation For Webrecorder, Its Web Preservation Tool 

The New York–based digital arts organization Rhizome has been awarded a two-year $1 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to continue the development of its web preservation tool Webrecorder. The grant, the largest in the institution’s history, follows a previous two-year grant of $600,000 from the Mellon Foundation that it received in December 2015 to put the tool’s development into full gear.  Read more.


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Interview with South Korean artist Jinsil Lee, whose work focuses on translating everyday scenes into mesmerizing abstract compositions.
Review of the solo exhibtion “DAN” by Carlo Zanni at banquet gallery in Milan. Through paintings, sculptures, and an online automated performance, Zanni reflects on the contradictions between our consumer habits and geopolitics.