New to digital art?
Browse through these articles to quickly learn the basics
Interview with Katie Torn discussing her two latest commissioned artworks by Niio in which the artist explores the female figure using 3D graphics and video assemblages.
A panel talk with the participation of gallerists Valérie Hasson-Benillouche (Charlot) and Wolf Lieser (DAM), and artists Anna Carreras and Mario Klingemann.
Interview with artist Franz Rosati, who explains the creative process behind his digital landscapes combining music and visuals.
Interview with audiovisual artist Yoshi Sodeoka discussing his influences and art practice focusing on two latest Niio commissioned artworks.
Find out what you actually get when you buy an NFT. There is probably more than you think. A 6-minute read on collecting and preserving NFTs.
Artist Eric Lerner discusses his latest collaboration with Render Studio and his creations of virtual worlds and 3D animations.