SPOTLIGHT Lauren Moffatt on the intimacy of VR By Fabien Siouffi Fabbula's founder Fabien Siouffi talks with artist Lauren Moffatt about her trajectory towards the VR medium and her current projects.
SPOTLIGHT Claudia Larcher: “architecture can create, change, or destroy our environment” By Pau Waelder Interview with Claudia Larcher in which the artist discusses her views on modern architecture and the techniques she employs in her films.
DIGITAL ART Concrete Island: reading Ballard through digital art By Pau Waelder A reading of J.G. Ballard's novel Concrete Island through a selection of digital artworks by Zeitguised, Felix Luque and Iñigo Bilbao, Solimán López and Gregory Chatonsky.
SPOTLIGHT Patrick Tresset: “I thought that I could put back emotions using computers” By Pau Waelder Interview with artist Patrick Tresset, known for his robotic installations in which an automated system draws a portrait of a human sitter.
DIGITAL ART ISEA2022: the possible spaces of new media art By Pau Waelder Review of the three main exhibitions of new media art at the ISEA International Symposium on Electronic Art taking place in Barcelona.
DIGITAL ART, NFT Digital Art at the Venice Biennale By Roxanne Vardi An article that covers the digital art and NFT scene at the 59th Venice Biennale.