DIGITAL ART Niio at ISE By Niio Niio announces its participation at Integrated Systems Europe for a third year in a row.
SPOTLIGHT Dreams And Virtual Reality Are Ideal Collaborators: An Interview With Artist Sara Ludy By Niio
DIGITAL ART What We’re Reading Now: Art (x) Design (x) Technology By Niio Check out some of the great stories that we're reading now on code-based and algorithmic artworks, AR and VR installations, and crypto art.
LIVING WITH ART Niio & Genesis Technologies >> VIP Lounge (France & Spain) By Niio Niio participates in Genesis Technologies VIP Lounge at the Cote d'Azur and Marbella.
DIGITAL ART Niio @ the B3 Biennial of the Moving Image (Frankfurt) By Niio Niio Co-founder Oren Moshe participates at B3 Biennale of the Moving Image in Frankfurt, Germany.