The Whitney Biennial ’17

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This year’s Biennial marks the seventy-eight installment of the country’s longest-running survey of American art.

The event began as an annual exhibition in 1932, the first biennial was in 1973. The Whitney show is generally regarded as one of the leading shows in the art world, often setting or leading trends in contemporary art. It is known to have brought artists Georgia O’Keeffee, Jackson Pollock and Jeff Koons to prominence.

With 63 individuals and collectives featured, we were thrilled to see that 1/3 of the selected works (23) were media art works (e.g. videos, films, websites, games etc.)  Some of our favorites:

Jon Kessler (performative sculpture w/ LCD screen & iPhone)
Tommy Hartung (video)
Jordan Wolfson (VR)
Post Commodity (4 channel video)
Maya Stovall (video)
Anicka Yi (video)
Oto Gillen (video)

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See what some had to say about the show:

NYT: A User’s Guide to the Whitney Biennial
The New Yorker: The Whitney Biennial’s Political Mood
Forbes: 10 Artworks You Must See At the Whitney Biennial
Vulture: The New Whitney Biennial is the Most Political in Decades


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